Treasure Key
What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying? The championship trophy was broken, I got tired so much that I won it you tired so much! How is that? Isn't the trophy for the whole team, Salhouf?
My mother, Siloof and his friends disagreed over the cup and kept scrambling until the cup fell to the ground and broke, but I am the one who always scores goals, otherwise we would not have achieved the championship, you understand, dry your tears and follow me, Turtle
Listen to this story well, Turtle, what is this key! It looks like it's rich, it's okay I'll wear it What is this on your neck, Maimonides? It is a key wise, have you not seen a key before?
I know it's a key, I mean, where did you get it, Maimonides? I found it somewhere nearby. What's with you, wise? Why all these questions about the key? Give me the key, Maimonides, how much we searched for you! I did not expect to find you one day
What is this writing, wise? How did it not cross my mind? Yes, black cave, what do you mean by black cave? This key will guide us to the treasure. Treasure. Is this true?
Yes, we were unable to find it since ancient times, written here The Black Cave What does that mean? We will go to the black cave to search for treasure. What is the treasure, wise? A thousand pieces of gold, I suppose
A thousand pieces oh my god when are we going wise? We'll go early in the morning, prepare well why are we all going? The treasure must be mine, but I don't know where this black cave is.
I will walk the wise until I reach him, and in the early morning the aspiring animals set out to reach the treasure. What if you were able to win it by yourself, Rabbit? You will live the rest of your life as a king
I have to find a way to get it, leave the woods, I don't want to go back here I'm sorry I have to get it all I can't carry a thousand pieces and fly alone, what am I going to do? What is the solution?
Come on, go in and look for a door inside the cave What is this! There is nothing inside the cave Are you sure of the cave wise? Yes, black cave, what is this sound?
We succeeded. Give me the key, sage. Come up, elephant, and pull the door with your hose. Don't you see how heavy it is? Well done, my friend, what is this map? Give me the map What is written on this paper, wise? Follow the map, the treasure is buried here, at this point
This treasure is from my share. I am the one who found the key. I am the one who found the door. Had it not been for my strength, you would never have been able to open the door. You would not have reached here without us. Give me the paper. It is mine.
Where did the paper fly? Hurry up crow, did you know that the treasure suffices us all for many years? Look what happened when greed blinded your hearts, I think we got the best punishment, so let's go back to our forest.
I'm sorry, what are we going to do now? Is everything gone? Yes, we lost everything, go back to your forest. This means that the cup is for everyone else, Turtle. Yes, there are those who guard the goal, and those who make goals
It is true, mom, and the gratefulness of the strong defender, I understand, mom, but what are we going to do with the cup now? Unfortunately, baby, you lost it just as friends lost the treasure. You must strive and unite to win something else.
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